DIY - Fine Motor Development

by Virgile Cachon on January 27, 2023

Encouraging our little ones' fine motor skills is easy and fun with Plouf ...

Handling, catching, grabbing, .... Let's have fun helping them develop their skills.


Certain small muscles in the fingers and hands need to be trained to make precise movements.

Today we offer you the recipe for salt dough to entertain your children while working on their fine motor skills.

To wit: We have discussed in our article "The benefits of swimming" what it brings to the psychomotor development of children (coordination, balance, agility, ....).

It goes without saying that as a complement, this workshop, or that of the hardening paste or the homemade play dough will help in the development of fine motor skills. 

Gross motor skills help tremendously in the development of children's fine motor skills. They are essential steps for the child from 0 to 6 years old and are even complementary.  

Why not make a cute little man to resemble our mascot Plouf ?

PS: Don't hesitate to send us photos of your children's beautiful creations! 



Download the DIY sheet


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Product Plouf

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