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The experts review

Find out-our-live-with-Elise-maitre-nageur-à-la-piscine-St-François-àNice Plouf

Watch our live interview with Elise, lifeguard at the St-François pool in Nice

Interview-exclusive-du-Directeur-Général-de-la-Fédération-française-de-Natation Plouf

Exclusive interview with the General Manager of the French Swimming Federation

Plouf-participate-in-the-town's-swimming-event-Nice Plouf

Plouf participates in the event "Savoir nager" of the City of Nice

La-Tribune-parle-des-maillots-de-bain-bouée-sécurisé-de-la-marque-Plouf Plouf

La Tribune talks about the brand's safety swimsuits Plouf !

Home-By-Mazz-and-our-swimsuits Plouf

Home By Mazz and our floating swimsuits

Mummy-Fast-rassured-by-our-swimsuits Plouf

Mummy Fast reassured by our floating swimsuits

Mums-twins-and-Bichette-seduced-by-our-swimsuits Plouf

Mums twins and Bichette seduced by our swimwear

2-in-1-non-inflatable-floating-mat-by-pool-guide Plouf

The 2 in 1 non-inflatable floating mat by Guide-piscine

L-interview-of-our-director-by-Nice-Startup Plouf

The interview of our director by Nice Startup

La-Family-Mummy-fan-de-nos-maillots-flotteurs-Plouf Plouf

The Family Mummy fan of our floatation suits Plouf

Kalaa-Family-free-to-move-with-swimwearPlouf Plouf

Kalaa Family free to move with buoyancy suits Plouf

Obsylone-and-learning-to-swim-with-Plouf Plouf

Obsylone and learning to swim with Plouf


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