The stress of the little ones banished thanks to swimming!

by Virgile Cachon on January 27, 2023

Stress management for toddlers

With Plouf children's swimsuits, banish your children's stress and fear of water, for relaxing swims for all!

Work, responsibilities and daily concerns generate and promote stress. Even if children are not exposed to it, they are also victims in their own way. 

A bad experience at school, the difficulty of socializing, the vagaries of family life and so many other events in the lives of our little ones disturb their sensitivity.

Why children are stressed 

Stress is a reaction of our body and mind. The factors are numerous and very diverse. It can appear when we feel in danger, when we have to face new situations, ... 
For toddlers, who are always confronted with new environments, it is almost impossible toavoid stress. Nevertheless, we adults must pay attention to our children's behaviors in order to identify high levels of stress in them as early as possible. Remember that children are not yet able to detect it themselves. The consequences can be very bad for their mental, physical and behavioral health.

How does stress manifest itself in toddlers?  

There are certain symptoms in children that may indicate high levels of stress. We should not be alarmed, but identify them and put our finger on those that remain for a long time. In this case, helping our child to manage his stress is the best solution to help him grow in the best conditions. The 3 types of symptoms that will help you identify this malaise:

- Emotional symptoms: mood swings, impatience, nervousness, irritability, changes in social behavior or a child who gets discouraged very easily.

- Physical symptoms

Symptoms: difficulty falling asleep, lack of sleep or regular awakenings, recurrent headaches or stomach aches, appetite problems, recurrent nightmares, rapid breathing and heart rate. Some children bite their fingernails.
- Mental symptoms: difficulty learning, concentration problems, voluntary isolation, child withdrawn. Regressive behavior, such as bedwetting after potty training, can be a sign of stress.


Our solutions by Plouf to reduce stress in children 

We will accompany our child to help him learn to manage his stress. A child needs to be challenged. Overcoming a challenge willincrease his self-confidence. For this, swimming is one of the most recommended activities by experts. The aquatic environment,physical exercise and more specifically, swimming, promote relaxation. All the more reason to put our little one in the best conditions.

To make him feel safe and comfortable, we enhance his experience by putting on the Girl's Plouf Floating Swimsuit or boy. This swimsuit will allow him to discover his progress, without fear of sinking, while encouraging him to make the right movements to succeed in moving in the water. The interest of the is that it provides buoyancy and comfort so that you can even forget to allow even toforget that one wears it. Contrary to other floating aids, no external volume comes in the way of the child's movements. All he has to do is flap his legs and arms to move in the water.

He will be able to feel at ease, enjoy the pleasures of the water and notice his improvements, which will lead him to a total gain of confidence.


DIY to manage stress in children

We get it, promote the child's sense of security in the water will leave it free to move and it will progress much faster. The exercises that we offer you are the following :

- Repetition exercises in the water To help children discover that they can make their movements more and more precise. With your child on foot, encourage him to hit the water with his hands. While standing at the edge of the pool, have your child flap his feet. But who makes the most waves? Through play, he'll vent his frustrations, anger or stress in the water. And finally, as he does so, he will become more and more precise in his movements. His repeated gestures are a way to approach the beginnings of independent swimming movements.

- Movement exercises in the water To work on the child's confidence by letting go. With Plouf, the child is assured of floating. Lying in the water on his back, you place a caring hand under his back. Ask him in which direction he wants to go (arms and legs spread). You walk him around, he relaxes and you establish a relationship of trust. What serenity 

- Breathing exercises in the water This is simply a game of holding your breath to prepare for a dive. Head under water, you start by holding your breath for a second and you can increase it little by little. Just like baby swimmers do, apnea reflex helps to familiarize the child to the immersion of the head under water. A variation of this exercise consists in releasing the air under water to make bubbles. Always fun to relax in the water

As soon as your small performs the exercises very easily, increase the difficultyis the challenge which allows the evolution and learning.

Don't wait any longer, explore the collection Plouf on our website and get a discount on your first order with MONPANIER5 🎁 !  


Have you tried our tips? What are your tips for soothing and relaxing your child in the water?

It's your turn! Tell us what you think in the comments!

See also our article on the benefits of swimming for children 


Article Blog - Product Plouf
Product Plouf

floating swimsuit for Children

floating swimsuit is designed with our unique FibreAir technology. Comfortable and safe, discover our drowning prevention and learn-to-swim swimsuits!

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