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Load video: maillot de bain anti noyade

The swimsuit that floats children

To play and learn to swim safe

Décoration de titre

Official partner of the French Swimming Academy

Official supplier of the French Swimming Federation

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Floating swimsuit

100% autonomous and free to move

I discover
Floating swimsuit

Anti-UV bath combination

Anti-UV set for girl and boy

I discover
Anti-UV bath combination

Swimsuit that low float women

Benefit from the benefits of safety aquatic activities

I discover
Swimsuit that low float women

A floating mattress and a beach towel

Without inflation, versatile, practical to accompany you everywhere

I discover
A floating mattress and a beach towel
  • La FibreAIr®, une fibre synthétique creuse injectée d'air

    Fiberair®: a small accident that will change history

    In France, in the 90s, a father saw his daughter fall into the family swimming pool and save her from drowning. His name is Alain Belkadi, he is a textile professional. He then has The idea of ​​a swimsuit that would protect children and teach them to swim.

    Years later, somewhere in Italy, engineers inject too much air into a hollow synthetic fiber intended for thermal insulation of buildings. The fiber is unusable, but surprised: it floats! Alain Belkadi hears about it. That’s all he needed to give life to his idea.

    This is the start of the Plouf adventure!

  • Le maillot de bain flottant Plouf, une innovation française à l'origine de la norme européenne de sécurité

    The floating swimsuit was born, the safety standard too!

    During two years of research and development, fiber is worked, transformed and optimized. In 2000, The very first floating child swimsuit was born. Alain Belkadi immediately wants to have him certified.

    But surprise! No standard existed at the time to guarantee the safety of this type of product. He will therefore get closer to the Critt and collaborate closely with them to create the specifications of the first European safety standard for floating accessories.

    The NF EN 13138-1 standard was born, the Plouf floating swimsuit is the first to be certified.

  • Plouf partenaire officiel de la Fédération Française de Natation

    International success & a national partnership

    For 20 years, Plouf is distributed in supermarkets, in France and abroad. More than 600,000 copies are sold worldwide. Plouf does not stop there. In 2022, He joins the French Swimming Federation and at theFrench swimming academy For an official partnership.

    Since then, each year, Plouf participates in the event I learn to swim organized by the Ministry of Sports, the Metropolis of Nice and the French Swimming Federation. Floating swimsuits are offered and children can discover them on site with the help of lifeguards.

    The common objective: to make the learning of swimming accessible to everyone to protect children from drowning during swimming.

  • Les innovations Plouf : le maillot de bain flottant pour enfant, pour adulte, la combinaison de quart et le matelas flottant

    Exceptional qualities for a fiber of the future

    Light as a feather, the fiberair® is also indestructible because even torn, it continues to float what makes it safe, sustainable and responsible. Composed of 97% air, it offers immediate buoyancy, without inflation and comfortable because it molds the body of the one that carries it.

    Thanks to Fiberair®, Plouf was able to develop innovative products:
    - THE Children's floating swimsuit from 30 months
    - THE Adult floating swimsuit
    - There quarter combination For professionals in the marine world
    - THE floating mattress For the whole family!

    Many other innovations are coming but hush, it's still a secret!