Legal mentions
Greystone SAS
Industrial zone
Ilot U
3rd locker
06510 Carros
Such :
SIRET: 322 355 686 00047
APE: 46.42Z
Secondary establishment:
Greystone SAS PLOUF
11 rue d'Angleterre
06000 Nice
Such :
SIRET: 322 355 686 00070
APE: 82.11Z - (Administrative services)
Unique identification numbers (Uin): FR246265_01xpcx
Idu asl: FR246265_13SLVG - A10027
Lucid: Of 4054058825390
Eori: FR32235568600047
Eori: GB082651508000
Capital € 816,000 - registered in the RCS de Grasse - Intra com number: FR5932235568600047
Director of publication: Alain Belkadi
Realization and accommodation:
Pixodéo - Web Agency
Buro Sud - 47 boulevard René Cassin
06200 Nice - 01 87 66 66 73
Hosted by: Shopify