Put an end to water stress with DIY exercises by Plouf

by Virgile Cachon on January 27, 2023

DIY to manage water stress in children


In this new Do It Yourself, reinforce your child's feeling of safety in the water, so that they can progress more quickly towards confident, independent swimming.

Here are some simple, effectivewater exercises to help your child relax in the water and reduce stress:

Repetition exercise in the water:


For more precise water movements: With your child on foot, encourage him to hit the water with his hands. While standing at the edge of the pool, have your child flap his feet. Whoever makes the most waves will win!
This simple water game allows your child tovent frustrations, anger and stress through the water. As they do so, their movements will become more and more precise.

Note : The more you repeat this exercise, the more your child will slowly learn the basics of independent swimming and water awareness.

Movement exercise in the water:

Use the technique of letting go to increase your child's confidence. With his floating swimsuits for girls and floating swimsuit for boys, Plouf ensures a perfect flotation for your child.

While your child is lying peacefully in the water on his or her backyou place a kind hand under his back. Then, after having choose the direction in which he wants to go (arms and legs must remain spread), you can use the walk on the surface of the water. Little by little, your child will relax in the water thanks to the relationship of trust established. So, do you try? 

Breathing exercise in the water:

You wish to initiate your child to the diving technique ? It is about simply play hold your breath to prepare for it ! The head under water, we start by hold your breath for a second and we is gradually increasing. À Like baby swimmerswhat is called "reflex apnea" helps to familiarize the child with head immersion under water.

Another variation of this exercise : Release the air underwater to make bubbles! A way to have fun while learning to manage your breath.

As soon as your toddlers are comfortable with doing these exercisesincrease their difficulty for to further strengthen his swimming skills.

Have you tried one of our anti-stress exercises in the water? How did your child react and what did you think? Don't hesitate to share your experience and advice by leaving a comment  below! 

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Discover also our article dedicated to children's stress in water and how to reduce it 



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