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Standardized and secure swimwear and floatation devices

Standards to ensure your safety

The first tests, both technical and towards potential customers, were conclusive, so Alain Belkadi wanted to submit his development to the forks of standardization. This was a prerequisite for any large-scale commercial deployment on European markets, and more generally an ethical necessity. But when the company turned to the certifying bodies, it was only to discover that there was no standard of buoyancy for children!

There were dozens of nomenclatures for swimming pools, lifeguards, balloons and inflatable boats, but nothing for the floatation suits we put on our children.

The CRITT Sports et Loisirs therefore undertook to develop this standard with the active support and expertise of Greystone, and thus of Plouf!

the brand was the first to benefit from the NF EN 13138-1 standard in 2001, and has continued to meet the strictest European standardization criteria ever since, guaranteeing access to the market, and nurturing the Plouf brand!

A fight against drowning

Among children aged 1 to 14, drowning is the second leading cause of accidental death, after traffic accidents. When they are not followed by death, they sometimes leave serious after-effects, particularly neurological, in children.

The risk is all the greater in France where there are more than 1.8 million private swimming pools, all of which must meet strict safety standards.

In this market, the second largest in the world after the United States, everything is done to make the place safe: barriers with regulated heights, standardized openings, compulsory alarms...

However, there is no provision for adult supervision when the child is in the pool area.


ISO and other product standards Plouf

Standard NF EN 13138-1: 2014 "specifies the safety requirements for the manufacture, performance, sizing, marking and information provided by the manufacturer of swimming aids designed to assist novice users in the water, when learning to swim or when learning part of a swimming movement."

The EN ISO 12405-5.50N standard has been applied to the watch suit for sailors and mariners - which allows it to provide comfort of movement while being supported by 50N of buoyancy.

Concerning the NF EN 15649 standard, it is applicable to floating leisure articles of water toys (class D) to fully enjoy this revolutionary towel.


En savoir + sur les valeurs de Plouf Safety Concept !


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