Obsylone and learning to swim with Plouf

by Virgile Cachon on January 27, 2023

Learning is easy with swimwear Plouf !


This passionate and optimistic childminder is the mother of Melvin, Louis, Gabin and the mother of two daughters Hailey and Romy. 

A strong and dedicated mom to her children, Marie-Emilie shares her learning methods and sweet family moments with her 19.9k followers on Instagram and her blog "Obsylone".

She's never short of ideas for arts and crafts to help her children learn while having fun, like with our floating bathing suits Plouf !

She was won over by our mission to reduce accidents and give children confidence as they learn to swim!  

A reassured mother at the beach!

 Don't wait any longer, explore the Plouf collection on our website and get a discount on your first order with MONPANIER5 🎁 !


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Article Blog - Product Plouf
Product Plouf

floating swimsuit for Children

floating swimsuit is designed with our unique FibreAir technology. Comfortable and safe, discover our drowning prevention and learn-to-swim swimsuits!


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