Water activities to practice with my child

by Virgile Cachon on May 05, 2023

Discover parent-child activities ideal for the summer months!

Have fun with your children and help them develop in the water!


The benefits 

The sports activities allow children to enjoy moments of relaxation and pleasure. They also help them discover their physical abilities. Finally, scientific studies show that sports challenges promote personal development and self-confidence.


🎯 What they require 

Most of the time, the water activities for require children to be able to swim in order to take part. Wearing the floating swimsuit Plouf for girls and floating swimsuit for boys children float and move freely. Thanks to , they canpractice a wide range of water sports.

flag icon French aquatic activities

On this occasion, we are going to present you the different activities adapted to children . Generally accessible from 4 to 8 years old. They love them and give them a lot of pleasure and relaxation.

Did you know that in France there are several water sports centers that offer families awide range of water activities ?

Now, let's leave the sand castles and let them discover the universe and the sensations that await them in l'eau

etoile icon SWIMMING

Much more than feeling comfortable! 

In a swimming class, children learn to dive head first, dominatethe release of jumping into the water, control their breathing. They also discover different swimming styles such as breaststroke, crawl, butterfly, backstroke and many others. The most important thing is that the children learn how to master them. With each session, the child will perfect his technique, his movements will be much more controlled and his muscles will get stronger. Swimming can be practiced at the pool or innatural environments such as the sea, lakes or rivers


A team effort! 

There are also synchronized swimming lessons, it is a perfect artistic discipline for children from the age of 6 years. This activity requires rhythm, collaborative work as well as breathing capacity.

etoile icon THE SAIL

A fascinating landscape before your eyes! 

Sailing also allows you to discover the aquatic environment and in France there are some centers that welcome the little ones between 4 and 7 years old. It's an anti-stress sport that helps your loulou to develop his coordination as well as discover the first notions of responsibility.

etoile icon THE SURF

Come on! Stand on the board! 

It's an activity that appeared in Hawaii around the 1920's, the objective of surf is to slide on the waves while standing or kneeling on a board. It is a sport that can be practiced from the age of 6. There are certified surf schools that will introduce your loulou. Maybe a future expert, who knows ?

etoile icon STAND-UP PADDLE

On the sea, the rivers and also the lakes! 

It is an activity also born in Hawaii. It consists of standing or kneeling on a board and gliding on the water with the help of paddles. These are beautiful rides to do that will bring tranquility and rapprochement when we accompany our loulou. With him, practice this activity in very calm waters and go at his pace. This activity brings self-confidence and favors the muscular strengthening. It's a sport that helps to develop coordination, balance and motor skills

etoile icon WATER-POLO

In the sea, in the pool, we practice it as soon as we can! 

More than a passion, the ball games are most of the time taken by our children. So why not make them practice also in water ? As well boys as girls, they are all crazy about it because this sport combines a competitive spirit while having to respect rules and a team dynamic. From 5 years old they are fans!



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Have you enjoyed one or more of these water activities with your child ? Tell us all about it in the comments section of this blog!


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Product Plouf

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