Plouf returns
Return conditions
- You have 14 days After receiving your order to return it to us in its original state.
- THE returned articles must be new, not worn, unwashed And have them labels.
- Returns are the responsibility of the customer, except in the event of a defect reported before use: in this case the return is at our expense.
- Only sizes are exchangeable : We do not exchange an article against another reference, nor another color.
- We send you the size back as soon as the items received : No item to be exchanged can be shipped to you before the good reception and inspection of your items to exchange.
- Any article received non -compliant will be denied.
- Only France is eligible for an exchange, customers abroad can only request a refund.
- In the event of a refund request: After receipt and inspection of the return, you will be reimbursed automatically within 4 working days.
How to submit a return request
1. I connect to my customer account by clicking on this link
2. I enter my email, the one I used to order
3. I receive a 6 -digit code in my email box
4. I enter the code on the site to connect, I click on Submit
5. I click on the command I want to make a return request
6. Once the command is open, I click on Request a return
7. I select the articles concerned by checking them
8. I choose a return pattern from the drop -down list
9. In Note, I specify: “exchange"If it is an exchange or"refund"If it is a refund. I also specify any problems or defects behind my request, so that the Plouf team can bring me suitable solutions.
10. I click on Request a return
The return request is sent! We will answer you as soon as possible! Once your request has been accepted, we will send you all the information necessary to return the package.