Plouf nominated in the prevention category with AXA CSR trophies!

Plouf nominated in the prevention category with AXA CSR trophies!



It was for Plouf a real honor to have been selected for the AXA CSR 2022 trophies which took place on November 23.



Be put forward by a large French group at international influence who, like us, has always put the prevention At the heart of its action confirms us in our positioning. It pushes us to grow again and again with the goal of the Security accessible for all.


Plouf contributed in the category " Prevention ", Which rewards initiatives that aim to protect populations through risk prevention actions.



Plouf's social responsibility


In CSR, there is Responsibility. Ours, we took it 20 years ago by creating a European standard guaranteeing Safety and buoyancy Children's equipment, which has become compulsory for all other manufacturers.

In CSR there is Societal. We act every day to reduce domestic accidents and the risk of drowning in children from 1 to 14 years old, representing the second cause of accidental death, after traffic accidents.


Finally, in CSR, there is Business. Ours, we develop it with respect for gender mixes, ethics, sustainable development because our free is indestructible, and sharing by making our innovation accessible to all technical uses in favor of the security of the most large number.



Plouf's commitment


Plouf is a Human and family adventure In the service of prevention, from the security, of comfort And the pedagogy of nautical activities thanks to a global innovation, the fiberir. This fiber is incorporated, especially in floating swimsuits and swimming accessories for adults and children.


Make the big Plouf By our side in the world of innovation, prevention, security, leisure and pleasures In Danger!



La Fiberair, starting point for this insubmersible adventure


It is Alain Belkadi which was the first to use fiber to make Floating swimsuits for children from 2 to 6 years old.


Then start long months of research and development to control fiber, improve it in order to optimize its buoyancy, transform it into a usable product and above all, adapt it to the morphology of the child.


It calls on advanced industrial technologies because the original fiber was only the medium of an idea that it was necessary to rethink, reinvent to make it usable, and adapt it to a rational production.


Baptized Fiber, Fiber, a distant cousin of the original, is today manufactured by specific machines, in a factory dedicated to its production.


Plouf's adventure started.

Don't wait any longer, explore the Plouf collection on our site and benefit from a reduction on your first order with Monpanier5 🎁 !

It's up to you! Give us your opinion in the comments!


Blog article - Plouf product
Plouf product

Children's floating swimsuit

The children's floating swimsuit is designed with our unique fiberious technology. Comfortable and secure, discover our drowning prevention jerseys and swimming learning!


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