How and why protect your child from the sun?
Find the practical advice of Plouf !

We all built beautiful memories under the sun and this is normal given the beautiful list of benefits!
This light has effects antidepressants. In children, it is synonymous energy, of dynamism and well-being. It feels good for morale! The sun stimulates natural secretion endorphins. They allow it relaxation of our body. Also, the sun exposure contributes to the synthesis of the vitamin D, essential for our body and to the quality of our sleep cycles.
Vitamin D is essential for everyone, but especially for toddle Because it promotes the good development bone structure. The sun is good, but you have to be careful and enjoy the benefits while protecting. Over the years, our skin has generated natural protection to the sun's rays. The skin becomes thicker when its mature pigment system.
Aside from this photoprotection, it is always essential not to exaggerate the exhibition. Indeed, adults are more protected in advance than toddlers. Studies show that sunburns in children promote the cancer in adulthood. In addition, without protection, the aging of the skin accelerates. UV rays can cause burns, of the Solar erythema (Or Sunburn), strokes heat, of the Photodermatosis, a dehydration and even a cancer skin. Also, certain drugs increase the sensitivity of the skin to UV rays.
Here is some tips to help you enjoy the sun in all security :
- Check the notice drugs that your child takes to find out if they cause reactions Photosensituents. In this case, ask your opinion to your doctor. It may be better to avoid the sun 100 % during treatment.
- Prepare your child's body, before going to the pool make sure your child is good hydrate. There dehydration Increases the risk of catching a sunburn. Food is also important, foods rich in beta-carotene as carrots and squash help prepare your skin for sun's rays.
- clothes anti-UV, especially the anti-UV tshirt and plouf anti-UV shorts, are a simple solution to protect them from the sun's rays. Make him wear a anti-UV Allows you not to have your loulou's head to the head. Also, protect your head with a Bob Anti-UV, or a Anti-UV shorts, will allow you to decrease the risks. And you take the Sun Cream index 50+ with you.
- Indeed, even under a veiled sky, not to be hot does not mean that we are not exposed to UV rays. In order to protect your loulous during sun exhibitions, favor the use of Plouf anti-UV tshirt. This additional photoprotection is essential since before the age of 3 years a child should not be exposed to UV rays.
We all know it, it is impossible to avoid our children from play under the sun, It's part of the life ! In order not to end mentally and nervously reached, we will favor the sunscreen, A High index (SPF 50). Check the product expiration date and apply twenty minutes before sun exposure on the skin which is not protected by the Plouf anti-UV tshirt. To guarantee the effectiveness of the protection, apply enough product and make sure that all the skin exposed is Covered. Finally, renew the sunscreen all two hours And after each swim. Even water -resistant creams lose approximately 50 % of their effectiveness after a bathing.
Make sure to schedules exhibition! It is strongly advised not to exhibit your child in the sun Between 11 and 16 hours. Indeed, these are the hours warmer of the day, the UV rays of the sun are the most harmful. Also limit the duration of exposure of your toddler, as a rule, it is recommended not to stay entire days on the beach or the swimming pool in full sun.
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