Help your child discover their autonomy!

Autonomy to better learn to swim

Come on! Allow your child to discover his abilities and be proud by looking at him “do alone!


 To the birth, THE infant is completely dependent on his parents. Little by little, he discovers his environment And starts at develop one's autonomy. L'autonomy, it is the ability to act with discernment in the face of different situations. Normally, children become autonomous as and when that their motor skills And cognitive evolve. It is a period of their fairly difficult life, because they are constantly tempted to abandon in the face of the challenges that arise. 


It will be necessary to emphasize that autonomy go hand in hand with a emotional relationship well built between Parents and children. Indeed, if the child sees in the his parents' eyes there confidence they have for him, he will be more inclined to succeed in what he undertakes, he will feel more self -confidence and d ’insurance. Help your child, theto accompany During its taking ofautonomy THE will reassure, And will optimize its results. He must know that you are at his sides.

First, the children that start to develop their autonomy earlier, have long -term advantages at the school level, social And psychological. Namely, autonomy promotes feeling of personal efficiency and therefore self -esteem. It will impact its motivation and its perseverance. It is also going develop the feeling of responsibility, THE calm facing Stress situations and the concentration. THE small will be delighted to discover their autonomy. They will appreciate acquiring new skills and of them implement. On the other hand, your child will participate in daily tasks like all Other members of the home, like putting down your toys, having the covered on the table or give it bowl of kibble to his pet. What a valuation to be able to bring its stone, as The big sister Or The big brother !


 Regularly encourage your child!

They all go through the period where they want do things with things by themselves. They will not be sure to get there. This is at this moment when you, parents, must encourage ! Reassure your child, tell him that you have self -confidence, and that he can do it. Be careful activity that it is in make. Analyze them scenarios who could happen, in this way you will be able to protect without it overprotect. The goal is that the child can discover new experiences and that he learns to surpass himself but of course in all security. Give him small challenges adapted to his age and try not to do everything to his place, because it would risk discourage. In this case he could lose one's own. Congratulate him for his efforts And for his successes. Learn perseverance From an early age is a quality, even if there are sometimes chess that we must also learn to accept.

 Your little one has the right to make mistakes!

THE errors teach us, they make us better. Do not expect our children do everything perfectly, even if it is at  her fourth test On the other hand, offer him other activities where he can manage better. Swimming is a activity that promotes motor skills. She Help children To improve while relaxing thanks to the element itself. Discover the benefits of swimming. During some sessions you will find that Your loulou will improve its four -legged walking, the Dexterity of his hands When he enters an object, he will be more relaxed. The most important thing is that Your child be ready to acquire SKILLS at the right time. We have to choose Actual activities. They should not be too difficult (so as not to discourage it). Nor too easy (to prevent it from being bored).


 Recognize your child's real capabilities, and be patient!

Each child evolves to His own rhythm. So don't worry if it is a little offbeat compared to others. Give him time to learn. Be patients And attentive to his progress, in order togradually increase THE difficulty. We know it Patience is a mother of safety. It will get there! Our expectations of parents must be adapted to their age, to their capacities. If we are patients And confident, we indirectly stimulate their autonomy. Of himself he can risk risk and will grow in His abilities. Test swimming! You will find that by carrying the Plouf floating swimsuit for girls Or Boy's floating swimsuit, You accompany him to independence. Your child is protected, and does not realize to be Helped by floats. Being integrated inside the jersey, the child moves freely. And gain in motor skills and in self -confidence.

 Show him for example how to do it!

Your child is in the process of Discover the world and life. Do not assume that he knows how to perform the tasks. Show him how to do. Wash one's hands, go down the stairs (the alternation of the 2 feet), How to float in water with Plouf (Beat feet and legs to move). Still stay next to it if it is in demand. Show him the example as many times as necessary. He needs time And the goal is that he is capable of reproducing what you are doing.

Discover Boy models And Girl models   

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And you, How do you help her develop his autonomy ? Share your tips With us, in comments below  We will be delighted to read you! 


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Children's floating swimsuit

The children's floating swimsuit is designed with our unique fiberious technology. Comfortable and secure, discover our drowning prevention jerseys and swimming learning!

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