Plouf engages in the operation I learn to swim 2024 in Nice

Plouf participates in the operation I learn to swim 2024 in Nice

This year again Plouf participates in the operation I learn to swim from Nice in partnership with the French Swimming Federation and the Ministry of Sports and Olympic and Paralympic Games

The operation I learn to swim is a national initiative to offer French children the opportunity to learn to swim for free. Launched by the Ministry of Sports and Olympic and Paralympic Games, this operation is mainly intended for children aged 6 to 12 who do not have access to swimming lessons. Since its creation, the operation has affected thousands of children, contributing significantly to the reduction in the risks of drowning and the promotion of aquatic security in France.

Learning to swim always crucial for children

Learning to swim is an essential competence for children, both for their safety and for their personal development. Swimming strengthens self -confidence, improves physical condition and encourages perseverance. In addition, the statistics on drownings show an urgent need for aquatic education: in 2023, nearly 1,300 accidental drownings were identified, a significant proportion of which concerns children. Hence the crucial importance of initiatives such as the operation I learn to swim.

The operation I learn to swim 2024

The objective of the operation is clear, it is:

  • Make the pleasures of water discover to those who do not have access to it,
  • Increase the number of children knowing how to swim in France,
  • Provide security education to rule out the risk of drowning,
  • Make all children want to become swimming champions!

Production of the operation

Perfectly organized by Nice Swim Azur, the operation offers a full and free swimming learning program:
- a 10 -hour swimming learning course, sessions from 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on the level and age of children
- the group is made up of 8 to 15 children who do not know how to swim
- Swimming sessions are provided by a professional
- The courses are free upon registration and within the limits of the available places
- At the end of the learning course, children who have developed the necessary skills may arise at the Sauv’Anage test.

Competent trainers

The instructors of the operation are qualified professionals, certified by the French Swimming Federation. With years of experience and specific training in children's swimming teaching, they provide a security and educational supervision adapted to each child. They know the Plouf floating swimsuit and know how to guide children who use it for the first time.

Plouf's commitment to aquatic security

Since its creation in 2001…

Since the creation of Plouf, we have undertaken to promote aquatic security and to offer resources for learning swimming. Founded in 2001, our mission is to reduce the risks of drowning by assistance in learning swimming and awareness. Our specialty is the floating swimsuit for children, a device that fights fear of water, helps to learn to swim and prevent drowning.

... and every year in the operation I learn to swim from Nice

Each year since 2022, Plouf brings its stone to the building in the operation I learn to swim in Nice by providing floating swimsuits which are made available to participating children. Plouf's commitment is to help the lifeguards of Nice in their mission by offering them tools to reassure the least confident children during group sessions and help families who can keep the jersey to secure their child During swimming in a private environment.

Multiple profits at small and large scale

Immediate benefits for each child

Swimming offers many advantages for children, physically and mental. It improves cardiovascular condition, strengthens muscles and develops motor coordination. Psychologically, swimming helps develop self -confidence and discipline. All children can benefit from the practice of this discipline. During this Olympic Games period, they can even dream of becoming champions in turn, like our hero Léon Marchand, multiple gold medalist during this Paris 2024 edition.

A commitment within the community

Learning to swim is also a vital skill, which increases the safety of children around water and reduces the risk of drowning. By forming thousands of children each year nationally, the operation I learn to swim contributes to reducing drowning and raising awareness of aquatic risk and good safety practices. By participating in this operation, we are a little more committed to the community and the prevention of drowning at the national level.


We would like to thank all the partners, parents and participants for their commitment. Your participation is essential to the success of this initiative. The operation I learn to swim is more than a simple swimming program: it is a vital initiative for the safety and well-being of children. Plouf is proud to contribute to it. Let us continue to promote aquatic security and offer our children the skills necessary to evolve in complete safety in water.

Dates and places of training sessions

Hours: 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.

From Monday to Friday, desired weeks: from July 8 to 13, July 15 to 20, July 22 to 27, July 29 to August 3, July 5 to August 10, August 12 to 17, August 19 and from 26 to 31 august.

Price: 5 free sessions / week for two weeks 

Where: at the Phoenix park in Nice Ouest.

Registration: Online from June 28:
Such. : 06 80 58 34 39

The full program for this summer at the Nice Phoenix Park

  • The operation "I learn to swim" for 6-12 year olds
  • Swimmers (from 4 months to 3 years)
  • The aquatic garden (children from 4 years old to 6 years old not knowing how to swim) with the floating swimsuits Plouf!
  • Learning swimming - improvement
  • Aqua-Anniversaires for children
  • Seniors aquagym
  • Aquafitness

Don't wait any longer, explore the Plouf collection on our site and benefit from a reduction on your first order with Monpanier5 🎁 !


Blog article - Plouf product
Plouf product

Children's floating swimsuit

The children's floating swimsuit is designed with our unique fiberious technology. Comfortable and secure, discover our drowning prevention jerseys and swimming learning!


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