The 5 benefits of seawater

Find the benefits of seawater with Plouf and its anti-UV clothes

Sea water, natural benefits

 Fill up with energy

Since theAntiquity, sea ​​water brings many benefits to the human organism. She is a real source of mineral salts (phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulfur ...) but alsotrace elements (iron, zinc, iodine, copper, etc.). In addition, she has the power to boost tone, to have a more beautiful skin, decrease but also relieve pain. Just 12 to 15 minutes of swimming (per day) to benefit from its benefits. Sea water associated with sun Allows you to fill up vitamin D. Indeed, the latter is essential among others for immunity, morale And OS mineralization. However, it is necessary Choose the hours you go to in the water To avoid the moment when the sun's radiation is the strongest. THE anti-UV of the Plouf brand protects the skin from children from 6 months to 4 years old. But THE anti-UV jerseys Plouf Do not allow exposure to the hottest hours, which are not recommended, particularly to the youngest. The tip isaccentuate the benefits, by practicing a sports activity or Water games.

Seawater beneficial for muscles

Sea water brings Energy to the body but also She relieves And Cares muscles. After a sports session, it may be recommended to swim in the sea. This is one of the Best ways to recover and it allows decrease. As said before, you can Practice physical activity in water, For example, The volleyball, Underwater diving, the paddle. A real Free and open -air gym.
Seniors also find their interests there! Each summer and even sometimes in winter if the weather permits, they are gladly bathed in it. For example, at Nice We can see throughout the year Happy retirees on the beach And swim in the water. A juvenile cure which allows them to keep in shape And decrease the inconvenience of rheumatism.

Beautiful skin thanks to seawater

A True natural exfoliant, by The salt contained in its water. Therefore, it allows your skin of regenerate. She drinking Also The pimples And Promotes healing. After a beach cure, your skin will be toned With much less impurities, or even more at all. Namely : Some countries like Israel, offer thalassotherapy centers recognized worldwide. Indeed, the Benefits of the concentration of salt at this location, allows Take care of or soothe a large number of skin diseases. Water is mineral and therefore it soothing, purifies.

Breathe better thanks to seawater

THE Water benefits on the human body which you will never think of is drinking. And yes, it allowsnose Or by mouth a large amount of mineral salts. This is why today we find a lot of Medicines based on seawater in pharmacies (bulb, nasal spray, etc.). Like a true natural physiological serum, it also allows you to breathe better ! By the nose of course. Try! A simple example, Go to the beach assey yourself Or put your feet in the water And Take a great inspiration. Your lungs will fill with iodine and trace elements, which will be beneficial for your respiratory tract. It is also true that there is a lot Less traces of pollution by the sea !

Soothing sea water

Seawater soothes the nervous tensions of young and old. Indeed, especially for children, the sea is a sign of “release”. Bring your child an afternoon to the beach and you will see. At first, he will have energy to resell, however, at the end he will be exhausted and he will be hungry for wolf. A good dodo is planned for him in the evening;) Naps will be better too. Which grants you a well -deserved moment to read calm for example.
Yes, The sea allows you to feel soothed And relaxed. THE wave, incessant, oscillatory and repetitive, is often used in meditation to represent The back and forth of our breathing. In the inspiration the waves withdraw and expire They fall on the shore. Also, the sight of this large blue expanse brings a feeling of freedom. In less than 15 minutes, THE relaxation effects are visible. Moreover, Sulfur loaded air soothes the body and morale. TryGo to the beach summer and winter, if you feel insomniac, stressed or nervous ... it is A natural anti-stress.

Seawater helps take beautiful colors

Seawater contains salt crystals that improve the Reflection of the sun's rays. This reverberation Actors tanning. This is why he is advised to protect the skin from our loulous well, as well as ours, against bad rays. Rather twice at the beach! Bob Anti-UV, anti-UV, sunglasses And anti-UV combination Plouf will allow you to enjoy the pleasure of water with your children by protecting them. Especially in the sea, the Marine breeze provides comfort who quickly makes us forget The heat of the sun's rays. SO Do not neglect this security point And Make Plouf!

 Don't wait any longer, explore the collection Plouf on our site and benefit from a reduction on your first order with Monpanier5 🎁 ! 


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Children's floating swimsuit

The children's floating swimsuit is designed with our unique fiberious technology. Comfortable and secure, discover our drowning prevention jerseys and swimming learning!

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Faire la planche aussi détend énormément et vide ma tête de tout encombrements 👌🏽👍🏽🙏🏽


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