Ideal for floating swimwear for children and adults
There is a saying that says that there is far from the lip cup and all this could have stopped there if Alain Belkadi had intervened.
At the origin of our floating swimsuits
It is he who, the first, has the idea of using fiber to make Floating swimwear for children boys And girls From 30 months.
Then start long months of research and development to control fiber, improve it in order to optimize its buoyancy, transform it into a usable product and above all, adapt it to the morphology of the child.
It calls on advanced industrial technologies because the original fiber was only the medium of an idea that it was necessary to rethink, reinvent to make it usable, and adapt it to Rational production.
Called Fiberairⓡ, the fiber, a distant cousin of the original, is today manufactured by specific machines, in a factory dedicated to its production.
Plouf's adventure could start.
Fiberair®️ is ergonomic, it follows the movements of the body.
Fiberair®️ contains 97% air inside its particles.
Fiberair®️ is inserted in the form of layers depending on the weight of
The child.

Attractive aesthetic qualities
Reassuring technical qualities
La Fiberair®️: a lightly light revolution
Flotation assistance and swimming assistance
The child is a very particular human being, the proportions of which have a preponderant influence on The buoyancy.
For Plouf! floating should not hinder movements but on the contrary release them, just like a swimming belt, but without the child being able to withdraw him alone.
Plouf had to allow children to take full advantage of the pleasures of water while promoting thelearning to swim safely.
For this, it was necessary to favor the horizontal position, but prevent the child from being able to switch forward.
Because we know them dangers of swimsuits with integrated buoys.
However, a classic buoy, by its very shape, not only does not allow you to take full advantage of the joys of the beach or pool (who would go
A buoy for a whole day for?) But can it, in some cases, promote the accident by maintaining the child's vertical position.
Also discover The story of Plouf and European standards in its floating range .