Exclusive interview with the General Manager of the French Swimming Federation

by Virgile Cachon on January 27, 2023

On the occasion of the "J'apprends à nager" operation organized at Parc Phoenix in Nice


The Plouf floating swimsuit is a high-performance safety and drowning prevention device for use before your child is fully independent!


Laurent Ciubini, General Manager of the Fédération Française de Natation, took the time to talk about the partnership between Plouf and the federation


The brand Plouf provides its own safety the Plouf floating swimsuit


Sandy Niddam: 

Hello everyone, I'm Sandy Niddam, brand manager for Plouf, children's floating swimwear. We're at Parc Phoenix today for the Savoir Nager operation, in partnership with the city of Nice and the French Swimming Federation. Hello Laurent.


Laurent Ciubini:

Hello Sandy.



Could you please introduce yourself?



Of course, my name is Laurent Ciubini, I am the general manager of the French Swimming Federation.



Can you introduce us to Operation Learn to Swim?



It's a pleasure, because this is a very specific operation. It was originally launched in 2009 by the town of Nice and the French Swimming Federation. This year, it is being rolled out at more than 28 sites in France.



What activities are offered by the French Swimming Federation's lifeguards?



So the activities of J'apprends à nager, there are very specific activities. The principle is that there are ten lessons over two weeks or over one week, depending on the activity. And so through these ten lessons, we have a real learning of swimming. That's the first thing. We have baby swimmers like this morning where we have little ones who come and who can discover water through water games, etc.



This year's special feature is the partnership between the FFN and the Plouf brand. How was this partnership created?



First of all, it was a meeting with the brand Plouf, a French brand that has been around for years, and that you now manage. So it's true that it was something very important for us. We have a French product, a product that can also help. We have safety devices for swimming pools with fries, we have the belts that everyone knows. What about this device? It has the particularity of allowing the child to have as little equipment as possible and simply have a floating swimsuit that allows him or her to evolve quite easily within the operation.



It is a French innovation. Have you been able to test it?



Personally, I'm a bit tall and I'm pretty much in control of my buoyancy. [I've tested it on my son, and I've tested it on other children. Yes, of course, it's something that has a lot of merits, and especially when you're a parent, when you have a swimming pool at home, you're always very worried, and it's true that it's a real safety feature. That doesn't mean you can't keep an eye on your child, that's for sure. But it's true that it's an additional safety feature because there's no need for an armband, he doesn't need me, he has his swimsuit and once he's familiar with it, it's true that it's a real safety feature, before he's totally autonomous.



Well, by the way, our floating swimsuits for kids can be tested here for free. What do you think about it?



The idea was also to make people discover because when you come to a water garden, you are there to look for solutions, to have the look of a professional, to have equipment. And I think that it is very interesting that people come to test because it is a real solution in addition to what existed before and that is what is interesting.



So I thank you for this interview for taking the time to talk with us.



It is a real pleasure. Thank you for the partnership with the French Swimming Federation and thank you for what you do.



Thank you very much and we meet on social networks @ Plouf Safety Concept for new adventures. Plouf! It's beautiful! It's safe!


Thanks again to Laurent Ciubini, the French Swimming Federation and the Metropolis of Nice for their confidence in Plouf. To test our floating swimsuits and take advantage of the operation, visit Parc Phoenix at Nice.


Don't wait any longer, explore the Plouf collection on our website and get a discount on your first order with MONPANIER5 🎁 !

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Product Plouf

floating swimsuit for Children

floating swimsuit is designed with our unique FibreAir technology. Comfortable and safe, discover our drowning prevention and learn-to-swim swimsuits!


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