Parents Plouf! give their review : Aurélie, mother of Luccio, 4 years old

by Virgile Cachon on October 16, 2023

Discoverreview floating swimwear Plouf fromAurélie, mom of Luccio, 4 years old



During our various shoots, we were lucky enough to introduce the Mam's of Nice to our Plouf swimsuit, which prevents drowning. 

There's nothing like meeting the muses who inspire us every season! The Mam's of Nice are the super-moms we asked to testour safety products. And we asked them to tell us review about their first experience with the float swimsuit Plouf!


Find out more atreview from Aurélie, Luccio's mom!

From the very first use, Aurélie and her little boy were won over! Luccio was very comfortable in the water, without having to hold on to his feet. Quite an achievement for a child who doesn 't yet know how to swim! Aurélie underlines the peace of mind provided by our drowning-prevention swimsuit, which allows parents to know their children are safe near water and in the water! Always under mom's watchful eye.

Seduced, Aurélie noticed that the Plouf floatation suit gave Luccio complete freedom of movement. freedom of movement and flourish in the water. Aurélie is certain that Luccio will be able to"advance in his aquatic awareness", unlike armbands which don't allow him to do so. Her son was able to put his head back in the water because he was confident. She's definitely ready to recommend the swimsuit to others!

Make the most of your summer in complete safety with Plouf floating swimwear!

Don't wait any longer, explore the Plouf collection on our website and get a discount on your first order with MONPANIER5 🎁 !  



It's your turn! Tell us what you think in the comments!

Plouf! It's beautiful! It's safe!


Article Blog - Product Plouf
Product Plouf

floating swimsuit for Children

floating swimsuit is designed with our unique FibreAir technology. Comfortable and safe, discover our drowning prevention and learn-to-swim swimsuits!

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